Course Outline


  • Overview of NLP and its applications
  • Introduction to Hugging Face and its key features

Setting up a working environment

  • Installing and configuring Hugging Face

Understanding the Hugging Face Transformers library and Transformer Models

  • Exploring the Transformers library structure and functionalities
  • Overview of various Transformer models available in Hugging Face

Utilizing Hugging Face Transformers

  • Loading and using pretrained models
  • Applying Transformers for various NLP tasks

Fine-Tuning a Pretrained Model

  • Preparing a dataset for fine-tuning
  • Fine-tuning a Transformer model on a specific task

Sharing Models and Tokenizers

  • Exporting and sharing trained models
  • Utilizing tokenizers for text processing

Exploring Hugging Face Datasets Library

  • Overview of the Datasets library in Hugging Face
  • Accessing and utilizing pre-existing datasets

Exploring Hugging Face Tokenizers Library

  • Understanding tokenization techniques and their importance
  • Leveraging tokenizers from Hugging Face

Carrying out Classic NLP Tasks

  • Implementing common NLP tasks using Hugging Face
  • Text classification, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, etc.

Leveraging Transformer Models for Addressing Tasks in Speech Processing and Computer Vision

  • Extending the use of Transformers beyond text-based tasks
  • Applying Transformers for speech and image-related tasks

Troubleshooting and Debugging

  • Common issues and challenges in working with Hugging Face
  • Techniques for troubleshooting and debugging

Building and Sharing Your Model Demos

  • Designing and creating interactive model demos
  • Sharing and showcasing your models effectively

Summary and Next Steps

  • Recap of key concepts and techniques learned
  • Guidance on further exploration and resources for continued learning


  • A good knowledge of Python
  • Experience with deep learning
  • Familiarity with PyTorch or TensorFlow is beneficial but not required


  • Data scientists
  • Machine learning practitioners
  • NLP researchers and enthusiasts
  • Developers interested in implementing NLP solutions
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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