Course Outline


  • Quarkus vs Spring Framework and other Java frameworks
  • Overview of Quarkus features and architecture

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Choosing an IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, VSCode, etc.)
  • Installing Java, Maven, GraalVM, and Docker

Creating a Quarkus Application

  • Bootstrapping a Quarkus project
  • Running the application
  • Using dependency injection in Quarkus
  • Testing the application
  • Packaging the application

Building Native Executables with GraalVM

  • Configuring GraalVM
  • Compiling applications to native executable
  • Packaging native applications in a container
  • Debugging native applications

Building Quarkus Applications with Maven

  • Creating a project
  • Working with extensions
  • Running and debugging on development mode
  • Importing IDE
  • Building container-friendly executables    

Containerizing Native Applications with Docker

  • Building and pushing container images
  • Deploying native applications on Kubernetes    


Summary and Conclusion


  • Familiarity with Java frameworks (Spring, Java EE, etc.)
  • Java programming experience


  • Developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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